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    1. Santander X Explorer



    3 minutes of reading

    The Paths After Santander X Explorer

    1. Santander X Explorer

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    What happens after you complete Santander X Explorer? Which path should you follow, and which one is the right choice? The only answer is that all of them are. Whatever you choose, you will always have the support of the Explorer community, which already guarantees a significant advantage, no matter what decision you make. Want examples? Keep reading.

    Grecia Pérez (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) is an Explorer Alumni and Expert who participated in the second edition of the programme in 2021. Her project, Ellas Artes, aimed to professionalise and empower women in the creative industries. It was one of the ideas selected that year to receive more intensive entrepreneurship training due to its potential. However, it is currently on hold (though about to be resumed), as Grecia decided to seize a great opportunity and focus on her education: a master’s degree in the United Kingdom has provided her with valuable life experience, enhanced her professional skills, and helped her refocus and continue her project with greater strength.

    Camila Beltrán’s idea (Universidad de Bío Bío, Chile) was also selected by a global jury after completing Santander X Explorer. Permacultura Tech aims to complement modern scientific fields with organic farming techniques to achieve more conscious agriculture. This project has already expanded beyond its home country and is being presented at important forums around the world. Both Camila and her partner have left their jobs to fully dedicate themselves to their enterprise.

    Both Camila and Grecia shared their different paths with the Explorers of the current programme edition during a gathering at the Work Café Santander in Ciudad Universitaria (Madrid). In a relaxed atmosphere, they answered questions and engaged in conversations with attendees. These Alumni highlighted one of the most important pillars of their different journeys: the community they belong to, which continues to grow. No matter which path you take (and remember: all are valid), the Explorer Community is always there.

    Want to join this community? The new call for applications to Santander X Explorer is now open! Click the link and submit your application; you’ll soon find out if your project has been selected.


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