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    1. Santander X Explorer



    3 minutes of reading

    TForesttrainning Launches Crowdfunding Campaign to Support Forest Firefighters

    1. Santander X Explorer

    The last of the 20 projects launching their crowdfunding campaign with the support of Santander X Explorer in the first half of 2024 is TForesttrainning (University of Concepción, Chile), a “company providing training and assessment services for the physical fitness of forest firefighters,” as defined by its founders.

    “In 2023-2024, nearly 450,000 hectares were burned in Chile, a 361% increase from previous seasons (unfortunately, we all remember the fire in Viña del Mar). The risk faced by forest firefighters is very high […], so keeping their physical fitness is essential,” they assert.

    Thus arises TForesttraining, an innovative functional training method carried out with a variety of devices designed to work with heavy load. Additionally, it is combined with HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) and HIFT (High-Intensity Functional Training), depending on the type of session. “Our system replicates the movements in firefighting,” allowing them to be easily assimilated by forest firefighters, clarify team members.

    But they don’t stop there: their most important innovation, however, is the TForest Test, which is the primary focus of their crowdfunding campaign. “We seek to gather resources that allow us to finalize the creation of a test to estimate oxygen consumption that serves as monitoring and complement to the training program,” they explain. In the link you have all the information you need to know how to collaborate.

    Ideas that come to Santander X Explorer can be validated in 12 weeks and, if chosen by a global jury, launch their own crowdfunding campaign with our support. Can you imagine what would happen if your project were one of the chosen ones? To start, you would connect with a global community of entrepreneurs and learn tools and resources that will accompany you throughout your life. Pre-register for the programme, and we will let you know when the next call opens.


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