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    1. Santander X Explorer



    3 minutes of reading

    The crowdfunding campaign to see with the heart: Unblind

    1. Santander X Explorer

    90% of information is based on visual aids, which means that in Mexico only three out of every one hundred students with this type of disability reach higher levels of education and postgraduate studies. Those who do succeed face a journey in which the lack of Braille bibliography is just one of the many obstacles they have to overcome, “leaving them in the dark,” says the Unblind team. “It’s time to light their way and give them the tools they need to reach their full potential,” they add.

    This project from Universidad Anáhuac Mexico is one of the 20 selected by a global jury to receive support from Santander X Explorer in a crowdfunding campaign that has just been launched. The smart glasses proposed by Alan, Ernest, Max, and Aldo, the project’s leaders, feature artificial vision techniques and transform the world into auditory information, facilitating learning and promoting independence. “Unblind opens up a world of possibilities for those facing visual challenges,” they explain.

    This technology allows users to explore and navigate their environment “in unprecedented ways, providing a unique and empowering experience,” say the Unblind team. “We are changing the way people with visual disabilities access information and participate in learning,” they add.

    The goal of their campaign is to make these glasses a reality; for now, they are just a prototype. A very well-studied one, at that: it converts text to audio, has an autofocus function, has a battery life of five hours, and is designed in 3D. Do you want to contribute to this project? Click on the link above and help this idea spread its motto: “We see with the heart.”

    Projects like this, which improve the world, are the ones that go through our program when they are still nothing more than an idea in the minds of their creators. If you have an idea, pre-register with Santander X Explorer and we will notify you when the next call opens so you can be one of the first to sign up. You will gain access to a global community of entrepreneurs, tools that will accompany you for life… and you could launch your own crowdfunding campaign!


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