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    1. Santander X Explorer



    2 minutes of reading

    Inclusion as a Flag: This is the AccessAbility Crowdfunding Campaign

    1. Santander X Explorer

    18% of the disabilities registered in Argentina are related to hearing problems. Data like this is evidence of a pain that has led Nicolás Ariel Anzevino, Facundo Sicart and Juan Ignacio Silva to create AccessAbility, a tool that translates the texts and audios of videos into sign language.

    This project, one of the 20 chosen by a global jury to launch its crowdfunding campaign with the support of Santander X Explorer, aims to “generate solutions that address the specific challenges faced by people with hearing impairments, thus promoting their social, educational, and employment inclusion,” explain its creators.

    AccessAbility (Universidad Abierta Interamericana, Argentina) aims to implement this tool especially on e-learning platforms. By using an interactive avatar that makes the user experience personalised and user-friendly, this idea builds a bridge to overcome communication barriers, allowing people with this type of disability to access education and information more efficiently.  

    “Supporting our campaign means endorsing a fundamental cause, which is equal access to information. We can make a more inclusive world a reality,” say those at AccessAbility. If you want to know how to help and what resources they need, click here.

    Surely, you’ve wondered more than once what would happen if you dared to try out that idea that solves a problem you’ve observed around you. Pre-register with Santander X Explorer, and in just 12 weeks and at no cost, you’ll find out if what’s on your mind can become a profitable project.


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    AccessAbility logo crowdfunding


    Inclusion as a Flag: This is the AccessAbility Crowdfunding Campaign

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